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Real name of archana in abhisekamserial

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June 21: Ghost Galaxy reveals more details on the upcoming Winds of Exchange set, specifically around Token Creatures.June 21: Ghost Galaxy releases a statement on their plans for KeyForge.Petersen, announces that they have acquired the KeyForge property and will be taking over the production of the game. June 22: Ghost Galaxy, founded by Christian T.July 7: Ghost Galaxy publishes a list of Frequently Asked Questions about their acquisition and plans for KeyForge.July 14: Ghost Galaxy announces that they will be "giving demos of KeyForge, sharing more exciting news about KeyForge, and giving away some cool stuff" at GenCon.The commercial release will feature "Nightmare Cards" to increase the difficulty of the game. July 20: Ghost Galaxy announces the commercial release of the KeyForge Adventures series, expected to arrive in stores in the Fall of 2022.

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  • July 26: Ghost Galaxy posted a job listing for a Marketing Coordinator.
  • August 4: Ghost Galaxy announced that they will be using the crowdfunding platform Gamefound for the initial runs of Winds of Exchange.
  • August 15: Ghost Galaxy published a report of how KeyForge went at GenCon 2022.
  • August 23: Ghost Galaxy provided more details on their upcoming crowdfunding campaign to support KeyForge.
  • August 30: Ghost Galaxy details more information about token creatures for the upcoming Winds of Exchange set.
  • September 2: Ghost Galaxy reveals the 5 levels of plegdes for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.
  • September 7: Ghost Galaxy gives some insight into the new house, the Merchant Compacts of Ekwidon.
  • September 9: The KeyForge: Winds of Exchange crowdfunding campaign launched and is successfully funded in 27 minutes.
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  • September 13: Ghost Galaxy announced the name of set 7 as Grim Reminders.
  • September 16: Fall of the House Gormengeist, the third KeyForge Adventure is announced.
  • September 24: Ghost Galaxy shows the first Winds of Exchange decks being printed.
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  • September 27: Winds of Exchange raised over $1.1M from more than 6k backers in a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign.
  • October 8: KeyForge Celebration 2022 is announced, along with three experimental formats for Organized Play: Archon (resembling Triad Best of One), and Sealed and Alliance which both allow some construction using "house pods".
  • October 12: Ghost Galaxy provides an update to the tournament formats, which now include both Archon and Sealed single deck play.
  • October 18: The first two KeyForge Adventures are now available in retail.

  • Real name of archana in abhisekamserial