The pre-alpha gameplay footage shows a lot of things that didn't make it into the game.

In fact, Austin's original concept for this game was a Fist of the North Star type setting in which a bunch of ripped dudes beat eachother up, then he started to get into the deeper aspects of a world without any women.The game was initially titled "The Last Matador", and interviews with Austin Jorgensen imply that it was not originally connected with Lisa: The First until well into development.There were initially supposed to be ten Kickstarter backer characters, but four of them fell through for one reason or another, and the game only ended up with six (Beastborn, Garth, RT, Yazan, Jack and Sonny).A minor change, but an early teaser shot ◊ of the Salvation Rangers implied that Dick was actually yellow.A gameplay feature that ended up being cut for time was specific side quests for different party members, in the end Bo was the only one who ended up with his own side quest, searching for his lost brother.An early teaser image ◊ shows sprites for multiple party members and characters, a few of which go unused.